Thursday, March 24, 2011

Whatchoo Talkin 'Bout Willis

Day 6 - Evening
I thought I'd stick to Kat's theme with the blast from the past tv shows. I am looking at my blue camelbak (or cameltoe as matt likes to call it). It has a little over 16 oz left and it is 7:36pm. I'm thinking 16 oz before 8pm? I'm already feeling full. Whatchoo Talkin 'Bout Willis? It is sooooo amazing how so little can fill me when I always described my stomach as an empty pit needing tons of food and being hungry all the time. I am still so amazed by this revelation. It really has me upside down. Now I know why I can never lose the weight...duh I eat too much. My body doesn't need so much food! My body's like "More food? Really? Whatchoo talkin 'bout Willis?" Now I get it! Oh and by the way, as I said that last line in my head, my stomach sounded like the voice of Yoda. Less food your stomach does need.

1 comment:

  1. Is Nelson too weak to post his comments? Thanks Kat for the updates. How many pounds do you think you have lost so far?
