Thursday, March 24, 2011

Honey Badger

Day 6

We made it past the halfway mark and now we just have to stick it out a little while longer till the end. How appropriate that we made it over our hump on hump day! Coincidence or Fate? Hmmmm....

So last night I was freezing, chilled to the bone, couldn't warm up. I was under blankets, had layers of clothes on. I was practically tangled in Matthew to steal his warmth. The heat was up to 69 degrees. I don't know if this is a result of the weather today or the cleanse but I'm thinking it might have to do with the cleanse since it was warm in the house according to the thermostat. Matt said that I was dying since people get cold right before they die. I said "so that explains the white light I've been seeing." No, I'm not dying, just cold.

Another inconvenient thing yesterday and today, my scale is broken. I mean really? You worked all those days I was guilty of indulging in food but now that I am losing weight you decide to take a break? Really? Do your job scale!

Okay, otherwise I'm cool. Good to go today. Hoping my teammates are having a good morning with their SWF. Downed it in 5 minutes like yesterday. Thinking I might cap out there. No 3 minutes like Kat. You're an animal girl! Speaking of animals, I bet we will all be like the honey badger when we get to eat again. I'm eating everything in sight and I don't care. I'm a nasty ass honey badger.


  1. LOL!!!!! Cracking up over here! We were FREEZING TOO!!!!! it has to be the cleanse and the weather outside. We both wore long sleeves to bed and that NEVER happens!!!

    Your scale broke and our juicer broke! Nelson didn't realize that the master cleanse made him have super strong powers!

  2. Hey you guys! you are doing sooooo well! I am so very proud of you! yes you totally get the's totally normal.
    I have been reading your blog everyday and I just love reading about your experience. the first time doing this is always an adventure. once you do it every year you kind of get into a groove.
    keep up the good work you 3! you are totally there now!
