Monday, March 28, 2011


Easing Out....

Kat and Nelson - I am so inspired by you two making it the whole way! What an accomplishment and I'm sure it has taught you many lessons and things about yourself. I thought I would share a little of what I learned and reflect on my goals from the first post.

#1 I want to cleanse my body as I transition to a vegan.

I think I needed to cleanse my mindset more than my body. I didn't really feel the physical effects of the cleanse (until my unfortunate end ahaha) but it did show me I can lose some weight and feel good and energized if I eat a little less (Duh!). Silly as that sounds I kept making excuses like I'm getting too old to lose weight, being a woman sucks, my metabolism is slow. Really, they were just excuses. As for the vegan part, that's it, I'm jumping in! It isn't as much a jump as it is a hop since I've been a vegetarian for 12 years but it is still a major change. I'm now officially seeing a holistic nutritional counselor and I'm excited for her help and support and I make this transition. I'll be sure to keep you both posted on what I learn as I know you are looking to make small yet important changes yourselves (this makes me happy).

#2 I want to stop confusing emotions for hunger.

The cleanse enlightened me on this idea and now I am actually putting it into practice. The first way I really noticed it was when I woke up on Sunday and thought I was supposed to be eating first thing when I woke up and I knew I had to have orange juice as "breakfast." I was like "Waaah, I don't want OJ, I want really food." So I said to myself, "Self, if you were really hungry you would want the juice. Maybe you just think you are supposed to be eating because it was your prior routine to wake up and eat." So I waited and did other things. Then, when my tummy growled and I felt REAL hunger, I was happy to have the OJ. I have had to this a lot in the past 2 and a half days. Be prepared to keep up with the "training" after the cleanse. It's not easy but it feels empowering when you take control.

#3 I want to prove a point.

At first I thought I failed on this goal having stopped the cleanse three days early. But, after some reflection and some helpful feedback I did prove that I could do it for a week and that I didn't die even though I looked like death. Everyone seemed to be sincerely impressed that I could do it that long and that feels good. However, I did also prove the point that you have to follow directions...which is ironic if you know me.

Okay so that's all for now. I included a picture of the soup you have to look forward to. It is very yummy. I was so scared testing it out on Saturday when I made it but I wanted to see if the rice and potatoes were cooked till tender as instructed (that was the only reason wink wink). I went to put it to my mouth out of habit and paused like ummm will my stomach explode if I taste this? But the worry was fleeting and I shook it off and ate the tiny spoonful. Pure delight. I didn't get carried away, I waited till later to have my bowl. Enjoy filling your belly with such healing and comforting tastiness! I know I did. I'm wishing you both a healthy and happy "easing out."


  1. YAY!!!!!! so i said to myself, "Self," LOL! love it!

    SO SO SO very proud of you. You are really continuing on with this cleanse in your life, not only by you "rethinking" your choices in the morning, but going VEGAN! You're gonna feel so CLEAN with being a vegan. You're so strong for doing it and Nelson and I will look to you for some guidance along our healthy future. BTW, i'm already planning on making the curry, chickpea, kale thing soon!

  2. PS the soup looks better (and smells better) in person. not to knock your phone camera, but it looks very green, just like this blog

  3. You are such a camera snob now. Just kidding. I know, I noticed the same thing. It is also much "heartier" in person. Lots of rice, beans, and veggies. You'll love it!
