Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cayenne Pepper Makes me Sneeze

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner...

Day 1 - Morning

Okay so I woke up like 10 times last night from nightmares that I kept forgetting I couldn't eat during the cleanse and I was munching on food. I was like, "oh no! It's all ruined, everything I've worked for!" LOL, very dramatic, I know. So I got up this fateful morning, took a shower, put on a little makeup so I wouldn't scare you in my picture, and got to making my concoction. I followed the directions carefully (thanks for the sticky note Kat). Oh, by the way, love my citrus juicer. Anyway, the only part I was very unsure on was the cayenne pepper. As soon as I opened it up, I had a sneezing fit, potent stuff! I tried to figure it out mathematically 1/10 tsp x 6 = 6/10 tsp. Yes! Oh but wait, the measuring spoons have a 1/4 tsp and a 1/8 tsp so how do I get 6/10 tsp? 3rd grad math don't fail me now! I ended up jut putting in about 5/8 tsp which turned out to be tooooooooooo much...ew. I'm sorry but this stuff sucks! Yuck! I tried watering it down a little bit but oh boy I think I'd rather starve. This is going to be a long 10 days. Or, as my husband said "And you're going to drink this for 10 days? Ok." That was not reassuring. I think it might be better if I use way less pepper next time but today I might have to suffer through it. I can't wait to hear what my cleansing team thinks of their mixture. Oh and adding more water makes it worse, not better. Go figure. I wish I had a more positive post but it seems my cooking disasters are not only with solid foods but also liquids. I might throw this batch out and try it over again. The lemons are huge anyway and you need half of what the recipe says (I used three and got a little over 12 tbs). Better luck to you guys....

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