Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hello all (or shall i say hi Deanna and Nelson),

So in the spirit of spring cleaning, Deanna, Nelson, and I are deciding not to only clean our houses for Spring, but we are cleaning out our bods!

Today is Tuesday, March 15 and in 4 days (Saturday), we will all start the Master Cleanse aka the Lemonade Diet. It's NOT a diet though, it's a cleanse. This is the first time we are all doing it, so needless to say we have some fears before jumping in. We did our research, read the book, and spoke with others who have gone through the challenge. Everyone has survived and guess what? We will too!

So here are just a few of my fears about the cleanse:
#1 pooping my pants
- yes this sounds funny, but honestly that would be my numero uno fear! Can you just imagine driving on your way to work have the "gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now" song go through your head? Geez, well that's why the first 2 days we will be doing this on a weekend. Gotta test drive it! oh and PS, Nelson and I only have 1 working bathroom, so this is going to be interesting.

#2 waking up in the middle night and not being able to go back to sleep due to hunger pangs
- well this fear is more specific for me. For the past 3 1/2 weeks, I've been experiencing insomnia during the work week. If I feel hungry, I eat a banana and I don't drink anything since I don't want to be in the bathroom all night. Now what do I do in the middle of the night when I'm hungry? Guess will have to see how this goes!

#3 not being able to pay attention or focus
- I tend to be scatterbrained as it is, so will the lack of food make me so weak that my brain won't work? So no sleep + no focus = 1 scaredy Kat

I'm sure the list can go on and on, but those are my top 3 fears. What's amazing though is that I will have 2 people to share this experience with. We will be each other's rock (and poop partners)!

For more info about the Master Cleanse, visit themastercleanse.org or just ask Beyonce!

1 comment:

  1. Love it, what a way to kick it off! I am also excited to learn I have two things in common with Beyonce now: the master cleanse and being bootylicious. : )
