Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hello Day 4

Day 4 - Morning

I recall talking to Kat a day or two before we began the cleanse. I said that we all had to at least make it to Day 4 because the first three are the hardest. We need to give it a fair shot until the magical Day 4 when life becomes blissful again. So, here we are, we all made it to Day 4. Yay us! I can speak for myself, but according to Kat's last post I am not making this up, today should be a good day. I could use one today. Yesterday was fine but I'm definitely missing food. I don't feel hungry but I never feel satisfied. It's a wierd sensation. So, I could use a good peaceful feeling today. I think we all could. So, Day 4, you better live up to your reputation.

Yesterday at work was okay. I was around food of course but I've been around food since Day 1 with Matthew at home (he tries to be discrete). It was good to stay busy at work but not too busy that you can't take a break to refill your bottle (happened to me around 12pm). No one even noticed that I was doing the cleanse or anything different so that must mean I am doing a good job at being natural despite feeling a little unlike myself.

I noticed that I don't look forward to my mornings anymore. As a morning person, I always liked going to bed with the excitement of having my morning the next day to put on the Today Show, eat some breakfast, maybe drink some coffee, and get ready for work. Now I have the SWF to look forward to. It makes me gag towards the end. It is a lot to drink so quickly, even if it was just water. Drank it in 7 minutes today.

On a positive note, I am down three pounds. Looks like about a pound a day. Makes sense since I'm still only drinking about 400-500 calories a day. Who knew I could consume that little in calories and not feel tired or faint? That has been the biggest surprise for me. It just goes to show you that you can lose weight if you drink water when you "think" you're hungry. Interesting...

Okay, tata for now! Come on Day 4, make me proud!

1 comment:

  1. at least we will have each other today at work! for some reason i cant see the pic you posted :( see you soon!
