Monday, March 28, 2011

Last night of the Lemon Crap!

Hey all,

Wow, it's the end of day 10 and we can't believe it's done. THANK GOD! We are so looking forward to tomorrow's OJ day.

Deanna, thanks so much for your support these past few days. You're still a part of this MC team and I'm very proud that you stuck with it for a whole 7 days and even more excited that you are feeling better. You see folks, if you saw Deanna on Friday (day 7), you would have probably gotten a bottle of Ensure and fed her. Her determination to get through 1 day at a time was amazing. She inspired us and now she is leading us to the ease out phase of this cleanse AND she's going into the new healthy vegan chapter of her life. We support ya babe! Deanna, you're just as fierce as the honeybadger. :)

In preparation for tomorrow, I peeled some oranges. Now THAT was hard. The smell of oranges is so beautifully fragrant and they were so cold when I was peeling them. I wanted to plop one juicy piece into my hungry mouth, BUT I didn't. So the plan is to drink about 60-80 ounces of OJ tomorrow. Honestly, I don't care how much I drink, I'm just drinking away! The book doesn't really give you an idea of how much to drink, so we'll probably go by the amount of the lemon crap we've been drinking.

On one of the many MC blogs that I've read, one guy actually blended the oranges with ice and some water to create a smoothie type substance. I'm gonna do that and juice the heck out of the oranges and also some grapefruit.

Here are some of my preparations:

This was the hard part!

All hands on deck!

Send in the reserves!
Don't worry the squash will stay!

Now I can't tell you how excited we are, but I can show you...

Good Night, Sweet Dreams, and see you tomorrow Oranges!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you guys got some height! It must be because you are so much lighter now after 10 days of the cleanse...amazing : )
