Sunday, March 27, 2011

Master Cleanse Drop Out

First of all, Eleni I am so sorry to hear about your father. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Okay so I made it to Day 7. As Kat can atest to, I was in pretty bad shape on Friday. I was weak, tired, off balance, a mess. I attribute it to lack of calories. As you can see by my Day 6 evening post, I had officially lost my appetite. On Day 7 I just stopped "eating." It's hard to describe but I just had an adversion to the drink and the SWF. My body was literally trying to give it back the wrong way. So my Master Cleanse friends, I bowed out gracefully and began my Ease Out this weekend. I am officially a Master Cleanse Drop Out (Beauty School Drop Out was the closest I could come with a picture).

The OJ just wasn't getting my blood sugar up with a glass here and a glass there so Saturday late afternoon I had a bowl of the Master Cleanse Soup. It wasn't like heaven for me, as one would expect. It was good though. I ate it slowly (burned my tongue ouchy) and was full after a bowl. I even took a break halfway through, which I never do when I eat. Everything went down fine. I even had a second bowl in the evening and an apple later in the evening. My stomach feels fine. I went to the bathroom just fine this morning too. So, no worries about easing out. It's all just fine. That seems to be my word. Fine.

I personally still feel faint. Yesterday and today my blood pressure has been very low. I haven't felt this "sick" in a while but I know slowly I'll recover. My body seems to be a little mad at me, and so is my husband. He took one look at me Friday and said "what did you do to yourself?" Needless to say I 'm not sure I proved a point. We too had a long conversation on Saturday moring as he made me my OJ and we sat on the couch. We never have weekend morning talks and this was a good one. The MC is bringing couples together, gotta love it.

Last night I baked a cake for my Mother in Law's bday today. I needed something to do with my time. I didn't even lick the spoon or the icing. I threw out the cake pieces I shaved off to make it even. I didn't want to put crap in my body now that it is cleaner than before. This might be the end of the Master Cleanse for me but it's the beginning of a new chapter for me as a vegan and I'm excited for it.


  1. yay to new chapters in life! you did great Deanna! You listened to what your body was saying! glad you got to eat some soup and it was "fine."

  2. You did great Deanna! It took a lot of strength, courage, and dedication to make it as far as you did. Good luck with the vegan adventure. Interested to hear how that goes for you. Be good!
