Saturday, March 19, 2011

One Day at a Time

Day 1 - Afternoon

It's 2pm and I'm still with it...barely but I'm trying. My kind friends Kat & Nelson have suggested that I blog, meditate, get moving around to take my mind off of it. So I am taking their advice. I'm going to give it the good old college try. I mean it tastes bad but I can deal with it right? I did not expect this bump in the road. I expected the poop (ew), I expected the hunger now and again, I expected to be a little tired. I did not expect the stuff to be appalling! Of course at first I was/am disappointed with myself. But I didn't give up yet. I'm going to keep trying and maybe I will get used to it. My goal is to get through today and tomorrow morning. I'll take it from there. One day at a time...wasn't that a tv show? Stay strong you two, I'm still there with you (for now). : )
P.S. Just for fun look up the word "gross" under google images and see what random stuff pops up. I had to change my search to "disgusted." Worked out better. hahaha

1 comment:

  1. good for you! i'm glad you are sticking with it! 1 day at a time! just remember your original goals! day by day! we are off to get a new battery for the car. hope i dont eat anyone!
