Sunday, March 27, 2011

Good Morning Day 9!

Wow, only 2 more days of this lemon stuff and we are in the clear! Looking forward to Orange Juice!

A few things that I've noticed just as of yesterday and this morning. My tongue is getting back to normal! How exciting, not to be gross, but take a look for yourselves:

It was really gross before and now I'm not embarrassed to stick my tongue out at anyone!

As the days go by, this cleanse gets easier and easier. It becomes such a routine. Nelson is more in the routine of making the drinks in the AM while i'm catching up on z's (was up again in the middle of the morning last night, so i needed to sleep in) and he even brings me breakfast in bed, aka the Salt Water Flush! how romantic, right? haha right

Nelson this morning said, before you drink the SWF, weigh yourself. Again, to my surprise I lost another pound. and he did too. Where the heck is it coming from? Could it be coming from my organs? Could all the toxins be releasing from there? Whose to Say?

We're off to do our Sunday thing and will blog later! Hope you have a lovely Sunday Morning and afternoon.

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