Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 8!

This is our 2nd and LAST Saturday of being on the MC! WOOOHOOO! So far we are feeling good. Don't mean to provide TMI, but this morning, I went to the bathroom probably around 6-8 times. Woweee. That's a new record for me. So today I'm feeling the cleanse. I don't feel all blissful, but I do feel good.

We are about to go to BJ's to get lots of oranges and grapefruits for our ease out day - Tuesday! Tuesday is the same day my parents come home from Florida, so that day we have lots to look forward to! And it seems fitting that we are drinking OJ all day on Tuesday since the majority of oranges come from FLORIDA! It was meant to be!

On another note, we are thinking of Eleni today. Just found out that her dad had to get a triple bipass yesterday. Eleni, if you're reading, we're sending positive thoughts your way and sorry you and your family have to go through this scare. My father and Nelson's father have also gone through the bypass club, so we understand what you may be going through. We're here for ya babe!

So to end my blog, I would like to ask the magic 8 ball (since it's day 8 and all) if we will get through this weekend and he says...

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